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botaretigene sparoparvovec

Medical Information


Last Updated: 08/12/2024


  • Botaretigene sparoparvovec (JNJ-74765340 or AAV5-RPGR gene therapy) is an investigational adeno-associated virus vector type 5 (AAV5) gene therapy being studied for the treatment of X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) associated with disease causing sequence variants in the retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator (RPGR) gene.1-4
  • Immunogenicity data following botaretigene sparoparvovec gene therapy in RPGR-XLRP participants showed no apparent association between treatment-emergent (TE) antibody status and dose.5


Study Design

MGT009 was a first-in-human, multicenter, open-label, phase 1/2 trial conducted at 5 sites across the United States and the United Kingdom to evaluate the safety and efficacy of single subretinal administration of botaretigene sparoparvovec in participants with XLRP due to variants in RPGR gene.1,4,6 Please visit (identifier NCT03252847) for additional information.

The study design was comprised of 3 parts: a non-randomized dose-escalation phase in 10 adults (given either low, intermediate, or high dose botaretigene sparoparvovec), a non-randomized dose confirmation cohort of 3 pediatric participants (intermediate dose), and a randomized controlled expansion cohort of 32 adults randomized into 3 arms (low dose, intermediate dose, or deferred treatment). In each participant, 1 eye was treated and the contralateral, untreated eye served as the control.1,3,7,8 In the dose-escalation and dose confirmation phases, botaretigene sparoparvovec was administered to the poorer-seeing eye at baseline and the participant’s other eye served as the untreated control. In the expansion cohort, the eye in which the vector was administered was determined via randomization.1,3,7,9 Please see Figure: Study Design of MGT009.  

Study Design of MGT0095

AAV, adeno-associated virus; R, randomization; RPGR, retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator (gene)
*1:1:1 randomization by group (immediate treatment or control), dose (low or intermediate), and eye (right or left).


Humoral immune response after botaretigene sparoparvovec administration was assessed through 26 weeks. Serum samples were collected at baseline and weeks 4, 13, and 26 for the assessment of antibodies to the AAV5 capsid, neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) to the AAV5 capsid, and antibodies to RPGR.5 Please see figure: Sample Collection for Assessment of Antibodies.

Sample Collection for Assessment of Antibodies5

AAV, adeno-associated virus; RPGR, RP GTPase regulator (protein)

Immunogenicity screening assay of antibodies was performed on all serum samples and a confirmatory assay was only performed on positive screening participants. In the confirmed positive samples, antibody titers were then quantified. NAbs to the capsid were only assessed in participants identified as TE positive for antibodies to the capsid.

Participants positive for TE antibodies were defined as those with either:

  • A positive sample at baseline (before administration) and a 4-fold increase of titer from baseline at any time point through week 26 (after administration)
  • A negative sample at baseline (before administration) and ≥1 positive sample at any time point through week 26 (after administration), for example, treatment-induced antibodies.5

Please see table: Multi-Tiered Approach Used for Assessment of Antibodies

Multi-Tiered Approach Used for Assessment of Antibodies5

†Neutralizing antibodies to the RPGR protein were not assessed.

Minimum Required Dilutions5

Antibodies to AAV5
NAbs to AAV5
Antibodies to RPGR
a Due to sample volume scarcity, the lowest achievable titer in this analysis was 1:14Abbreviations: AAV, adeno-associated virus; NAbs, neutralizing antibodies; RPGR, retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator


Through 26 weeks, 21 of the 45 total participants had TE antibodies to the AAV5 capsid. Among these 21 participants, 9 were positive for TE NAbs to the AAV5 capsid. Through 26 weeks, 6 of the 45 participants were positive for TE antibodies to the RPGR protein. Summary of antibodies through week 26 are described in figure: Summary of Immunogenicity Results. For breakdown of time to treatment-emergent antibodies and neutralizing antibodies, please see figures: Time to Treatment-emergent Antibodies to AAV5 Capsid, Time to Treatment-emergent Neutralizing Antibodies to AAV5 Capsid, and Time to Treatment-emergent Antibodies to RPGR.5

Summary of Immunogenicity Results5

AAV, adeno-associated virus; RPGR, retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator
*Participants positive for TE antibodies are defined as participants with either a positive sample at baseline (before administration) and a 4-fold increase in titer from baseline at any time point through week 26 (after administration) and at least 1 positive sample at any time point through week 26 (after administration), for example, treatment induced antibodies

Time to Treatment-emergent Antibodies to AAV5 Capsid5

AAV, adeno-associated virus

Time to Treatment-emergent Neutralizing Antibodies to AAV5 Capsid5

AAV, adeno-associated virus

Time to Treatment-emergent Antibodies for RPGR5

RPGR, retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator

Literature Search

A literature search of MEDLINE®, Embase®, BIOSIS Previews®, Derwent Drug File (and/or other resources, including internal/external databases) was conducted on 20 March 2024.


1 Michaelides M. AAV-RPGR Gene Therapy for RPGR-Associated X-Linked Retinitis Pigmentosa: 6-month Results From a Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial. Presented at ASRS Data Review Conference Call, July 17, 2020; Virtual Meeting.  
2 Michaelides M, Besirli C, Khan K, et al. AAV5-RPGR Gene Therapy for RPGR-Associated X-Linked Retinitis Pigmentosa Reverses Natural Disease Progression. Oral Presentation presented at: EURETINA 2021 Virtual; September 9-12, 2021; Virtual Meeting.  
3 Michaelides M, Besirli C, Khan K, et al. AAV5-RPGR Gene Therapy for RPGR-Associated X-Linked Retinitis Pigmentosa: 9-month Results From a Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial. Oral Presentation presented at: EURETINA 2020 Virtual; October 3, 2020; Virtual Meeting.  
4 MeiraGTx UK II Ltd. Gene therapy for X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator (RPGR). In: [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US). 2000- [cited 2023 June 5]. Available from:  
5 Caratzas E, Clark M, Fung A, et al. Humoral immune response to AAV5-RPGR (botaretigene sparoparvovec) gene therapy in RPGR associated X-linked retinitis pigmentosa. Abstract presented at: Association for Research in Vision & Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting; April 23-27, 2023; New Orleans, LA.  
6 MeiraGTx Announces Data at EURETINA 2021 Virtual Meeting Demonstrating Reversal of Disease Progression Following Treatment with AAV5-RPGR in X-Linked Retinitis Pigmentosa. MeiraGTX. September 9, 2021. Accessed November 14, 2022.  
7 Michaelides M, Besirli C, Khan K, et al. AAV5-RPGR Gene Therapy for RPGR-Associated X-Linked Retinitis Pigmentosa: 12-month Results From a Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial. Presented at AAO, November 13, 2020; Virtual Meeting. Oral Presentation presented at: The 124th American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) Annual Meeting; November 13-15, 2020; Virtual Meeting.  
8 Michaelides M, Besirli C, Yang Y, et al. Ph1/2 AAV5-RPGR (Botaretigene Sparoparvovec) Gene Therapy Trial in RPGR-associated X-linked Retinitis Pigmentosa (XLRP). Oral Presentation presented at: The 126th Annual American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) Annual Meeting; September 30 - October 3, 2022; Chicago, IL.  
9 Michaelides M, Besirli C, Khan K, et al. Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial of AAV-RPGR Gene Therapy for RPGR-Associated X-Linked Retinitis Pigmentosa: 9-month Results. Abstract presented at: EURETINA; October 1-4, 2020; Virtual.