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OPSUMIT - Treatment of Fontan Circulation

Last Updated: 01/24/2025


  • RUBATO-Double blind (DB; NCT03153137) was a prospective, multicenter, DB, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, phase 3, 52-week study to assess the efficacy and safety of OPSUMIT in Fontan-palliated, adult and adolescent patients (N=137).1
    • The median (interquartile range [IQR]) duration of RUBATO-DB study treatment was similar in the OPSUMIT (52.3 [52-53.1] weeks) and placebo (52.9 [52.1-54.1] weeks) groups.1
    • The primary endpoint of change in peak oxygen consumption (VO2) from baseline to week 16 was not met.1
    • A total of 48 (70.6%) and 44 (63.8%) patients in the OPSUMIT and placebo groups, respectively, reported treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs).1
  • Eligible patients entered the single-arm RUBATO-Open label (OL) study (NCT03775421), which was planned to be up to 104 weeks of treatment for each patient, following the completion of the last patient's treatment period in RUBATO-DB.1
  • There are case reports of patients who have a history of Fontan procedure and on OPSUMIT therapy summarized in this letter.2-4


Phase 3 Trials

RUBATO Double-blind

RUBATO-DB (NCT03153137) was a prospective, multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, phase 3, 52-week study to assess the efficacy and safety of OPSUMIT in Fontan-palliated patients aged 12 years and older (RUBATO-DB) and an open-label (OL) extension trial (RUBATO-OL). Patients were randomized to receive OPSUMIT or placebo.1

RUBATO-DB: Patients and Study Design

The screening period of RUBATO-DB was ≤30 days), followed by DB treatment up to 52 weeks and a safety follow-up period of ≥30 days following permanent treatment discontinuation. The end-of study corresponded to the last visit performed.1

Inclusion Criteria: RUBATO-DB enrolled patients aged 12 years and older, who had undergone either a total cavopulmonary connection (TCPC) (intra-atrial lateral tunnel [LT-TCPC] or extracardiac conduit [EC TCPC]) Fontan procedure >1 year before screening and were New York Heart Association functional class (NYHA FC) II or III. TCPC surgeries could occur following a prior classical atrio-pulmonary connection.1

Exclusion Criteria: Patients were excluded if they showed signs of Fontan palliation deterioration within the past 3 months or had CPET limitations (including pacemakers), peak VO2 <15 mL/kg/min at baseline, or systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg (<85 mm Hg for those under 18 years and <150 cm in height) at rest or during CPET at screening or baseline.1

The primary endpoint was the change in peak VO2 from baseline to week 16. The secondary endpoints were change in peak VO2 from baseline to week 52 and change in mean count per minute of daily physical activity (counts/minute) as measured via accelerometer from baseline to week 16. Safety outcomes were also assessed.1
RUBATO-DB: Results

A total of 137 patients were randomized to OPSUMIT (n=68) and placebo (n=69) treatments.1 The patient baseline characteristics are presented in the Table: Baseline Characteristics.

Baseline Characteristics1
OPSUMIT (n=68)
Placebo (n=69)
Age, years
23.2 (5.82)
24.5 (7.49)
22 (19-27)
24 (20-28)
Male, n (%)
45 (66.2)
44 (63.8)
Geographical region, n (%)
40 (58.8)
42 (60.9)
14 (20.6)
12 (17.4)
9 (13.2)
8 (11.6)
5 (7.4)
7 (10.1)
Race, n (%)
6 (8.8)
10 (14.5)
55 (80.9)
52 (75.4)
7 (10.3)
7 (10.1)
BMI, kg/m2
23.4 (4.19)
23.7 (4.81)
22.3 (20.8-26.1)
22.5 (20.1-26.2)
NYHA FC, n (%)
   Class II
66 (97.1)
67 (97.1)
   Class III
2 (2.9)
2 (2.9)
SpO2, %
92.8 (2.84)
92.6 (3.22)
93 (91-95)
92 (90-95)
Peak VO2, mL/kg/mina
24.4 (5.93)
23.8 (6)
23.9 (19.2-28.2)
22.9 (18.5-28.4)
Associated dominant ventricular morphology, n (%)
33 (48.5)
44 (63.8)
35 (51.5)
25 (36.2)
Type of primary Fontan completion, n (%)
45 (66.2)
40 (58)
23 (33.8)
29 (42)
Time since Fontan completion, yearsb
18.3 (5.8)
17.8 (5.6)
18.4 (4.3-30)
18.6 (1.3-30.6)
Fenestration status
   No, never had
34 (50)
28 (40.6)
   No, initially yes, then closed
20 (29.4)
24 (34.8)
   Yes, open
13 (19.1)
14 (20.3)
   Yes, initially no, now open
1 (1.5)
3 (4.3)
Note: Mean is reported as mean±SD. Median is reported as median (IQR). Values are presented as n (%) unless otherwise noted.Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; EC-TCPC, extracardiac conduit total cavopulmonary connection; IQR, interquartile range; LT-TCPC, lateral tunnel total cavopulmonary connection; NYHA FC, New York Heart Association functional class; SD, standard deviation; SpO2, peripheral capillary oxygen saturation; VO2, oxygen uptake/consumption at ventilatory anaerobic threshold.aValue invalid for 1 patient in each of the treatment armsbInformation available for all except 1 patient in the OPSUMIT arm

A total of 92.7% patients completed DB treatment, and 7 (10.3%) patients in the OPSUMIT group and 3 (4.3%) in the placebo group prematurely discontinued treatment. The median (interquartile range [IQR]) duration of RUBATO-DB study treatment was similar in the OPSUMIT (52.3 [52-53.1] weeks) and placebo (52.9 [52.1-54.1] weeks) groups.1

RUBATO-DB: Efficacy

The primary endpoint of change in peak VO2 from baseline to week 16 was not met. Results for the primary endpoint were consistent across pre-defined patient subgroups. No treatment effect was observed in the secondary efficacy endpoints.1 See the Table: Summary of Efficacy Endpoints (Full Analysis Set) below.

Summary of Efficacy Endpoints (Full Analysis Set)1
Efficacy Endpoint
OPSUMIT (n=68)
Placebo (n=69)
Primary endpoint
   Mean peak VO2, mL/kg/min
24.36 (5.93), n=67
23.76 (6), n=68
      Change from baseline to week 16
-0.16 (2.86), n=68a
-0.67 (2.66), n=69a
      Difference of LS means (99% CI), 2-sided
      P value

0.62 (-0.62 to 1.85), P=0.1930b
Secondary endpointsc
   Mean peak VO2, mL/kg/min
      Change from baseline over 52 weeks (average of
      week 16 and week 52)

-0.08 (2.52), n=50d
-0.52 (1.97), n=47d
      Difference of LS means (99% CI), 2-sided
      P value

0.57 (-0.53 to 1.68), P=0.1765e
   Count per minute of daily physical activity measured by accelerometer
340.6 (145.3), n=61
325.6 (132.7), n=58
      Change from baseline to week 16
-3 (92.4), n=61a
-14.3 (117.6), n=58a
      Difference of LS means (99% CI), 2-sided
      P value

14.3 (-35.2 to 64), P=0.4512f
Note: Values are presented as mean±SD unless otherwise specified. Difference from placebo is the median unbiased estimate with corresponding repeated 99% CIs. Final adjusted 2-sided P value based on the weighted combination test statistic.Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; COVID, coronavirus disease; LS, least squares; SD, standard deviation; VO2, oxygen uptake/consumption at ventilatory anaerobic values include patients with the change from baseline after addressing intercurrent events/missing data.bAnalysis of covariance model, including randomized treatment group, geographical region, and baseline value as covariates in the model.cThe primary endpoint was not met at the 2-sided 1% alpha or 5% alpha levels; therefore, in accordance with the predefined testing sequence, both secondary efficacy endpoints were not formally evaluated, and P values should be considered as nominal for both secondary endpoints.dn values include patients with observed values at baseline, week 16, and week 52 (without imputations as per intercurrent event strategies).eMixed model for repeated measures model included randomized treatment group, time (via a categorical variable for visit), treatment-by-time interaction, baseline-by-time interaction and baseline value as fixed effects.fAnalysis of covariance model included randomized treatment group and baseline value as covariates.

Other Efficacy Endpoints

There were no treatment differences in other exercise capacity endpoints, N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) levels at week 16, time to Fontan-palliated clinical worsening, or time to Fontan-related morbidity events.1

DB Study Endpoint: Pharmacokinetics

At weeks 4 and 16 (end-of-treatment), the geometric mean trough concentrations of OPSUMIT were 148 mcg/L and 144 mcg/L, respectively; and the OPSUMIT metabolite level at both the timepoints were 882 mcg/L and 896 mcg/L, respectively. Female patients had slightly higher trough concentrations of OPSUMIT and its metabolite (ACT-132577) than male patients at both time points.1


A total of 48 (70.6%) and 44 (63.8%) patients in the OPSUMIT and placebo groups, respectively, reported treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs). Hepatic AE of special interests (AESIs) occurred in 5 (7.4%) and 3 (4.5%) patients in the OPSUMIT and placebo groups, respectively. Three (4.4%) patients in the OPSUMIT group and 1 patient in the placebo group (1.4%) reported marked liver test abnormalities, leading to study drug discontinuation in 2 patients in the OPSUMIT group and interruption of study treatment in 1 patient in the placebo group. During the treatment period, no patients reported increase in alanine transaminase (ALT) or aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels >5 × upper limit of normal (ULN). Edema and fluid retention AESIs occurred in 5 (7.4%) and 2 (2.9%) patients in the OPSUMIT and placebo groups, respectively. Anemia/hemoglobin decrease AESIs occurred in 1 OPSUMIT-treated patient and hypotension AESI occurred in 1 patient in each treatment group.1 For more information regarding safety, see the Table: Safety Profile below.

Safety Profile1,5
Patients With ≥1 Dose of OPSUMIT in Either DB or OL Study; Total OPSUMIT Analysis Set
48 (70.6)
44 (63.8)
92 (75.4)
Severe TEAEa
7 (10.3)
5 (7.2)
13 (10.7)
Treatment-related TEAEa
11 (16.2)
5 (7.2)
23 (18.9)
TEAE leading to death
1 (0.8)
Serious TEAEa
13 (19.1)
9 (13)
29 (23.8)
Treatment-related serious TEAE
1 (1.5)
2 (1.6)
TEAE leading to discontinuation of study treatment
3 (4.4)
1 (1.4)
5 (4.1)
Note: Data are presented as n (%) unless otherwise stated.Abbreviations: AE, adverse event; DB, double-blind; OL, open-label; TEAE, treatment-emergent AE.
aIncluding any TEAE with missing information for this category.

RUBATO Open-label Extension

Eligible patients entered the single-arm RUBATO-OL study (NCT03775421), which was planned until 104 weeks of treatment for each patient, following completion of RUBATO-DB by the last patient. Patients received OL OPSUMIT once daily, without revealing the previous RUBATO-DB treatment.1

RUBATO-OL: Patients and Study Design

Patients who completed week 52 and did not meet the exclusion criteria of RUBATO-DB were enrolled in the RUBATO-OL study and received the first dose of OL OPSUMIT immediately. The treatment period initiated with the first dose of OL OPSUMIT in RUBATO-OL and lasted until whichever of the following occurred first:5

  • Study treatment up to 104 weeks (2 years) for each patient after the last participant completed the RUBATO-DB treatment period.5
  • Discontinuation of the study intervention by the patient, investigator, or sponsor.5

In RUBATO-OL, the safety follow-up period started the day following the last intake of study treatment and ended 30-35 days thereafter with the RUBATO-OL end-of-study (EOS) visit.5

The primary endpoint for RUBATO-OL was safety and tolerability of OPSUMIT. Changes from baseline in peak VO2, VO2 at the ventilatory anaerobic threshold (VAT), and mean count per minute of daily physical activity (counts/minute) as measured via accelerometer at the scheduled time points were the exploratory endpoints.1

RUBATO-DB and RUBATO-OL: Efficacy in Pool Full Analysis Set

There was a decrease in both peak VO2 and VO2 at VAT from DB-baseline to OL-week 52. The median (IQR) change in daily physical activity (counts/minute) as measured via accelerometer from DB-baseline to OL-week 52 in the placebo/OPSUMIT group (n=13) was -38.4 (-81.1 to 83.6) counts per minute and in the OPSUMIT/OPSUMIT group (n=17) was 67.3 (-33.2 to 142.5) counts per minute. Over both studies, Fontan-palliated clinical worsening events were reported in 3 patients in the placebo/OPSUMIT group and 6 patients in the OPSUMIT/OPSUMIT group.1

RUBATO-DB and RUBATO-OL: Safety Data From the Total OPSUMIT Treatment-Emergent Period

During either study, 75.4% of patients experienced ≥1 TEAE while receiving OPSUMIT. COVID-19 (16 [13.1%]), headache (13 [10.7%]) and fatigue (9 [7.4%]) were the most frequently reported TEAEs. Two SAEs related to study intervention were reported (increased AST and ALT in 1 OPSUMIT-treated patient during DB and decreased sperm concentration and decreased spermatozoa progressive motility in 1 DB-placebo patient with a medical history of fertility disorders during OL). OPSUMIT was discontinued in both patients. One DB-placebo patient died during the RUBATO-OL study which was not related to the study intervention. Hepatic AESIs (≥1) were reported in 10 (8.2%) OPSUMIT-treated patients across the RUBATO-DB and RUBATO-OL studies. RUBATO-OL was prematurely discontinued because RUBATO-DB did not meet the primary or secondary endpoints.1

Evidence From Literature

Evidence gathered from the literature is summarized in Table: OPSUMIT in Patients Who Have Undergone a Fontan Procedure.

OPSUMIT in Patients Who Have Undergone a Fontan Procedure
Study Overview
Efficacy Outcomes
Safety Outcomes
Deniwar et al (2022)2
  • 26-year-old male with PH, multi-organ dysfunction, and an overall deteriorating condition and a history of Fontan procedure (O2 saturation, 6871%; PAP=26 mmHg; TPG=10-12 mmHg)
  • As the patient was deemed unsuitable for heartlung-liver transplant, he was started on tadalafil and OPSUMIT to promote collateral closure
  • After 3 months: Improvement in symptoms with better exercise tolerance
    • O2 saturation (in office), 85%; PAP, 17 mmHg with no significant increase after closure of a big VV collateral; PAP (on repeat catheterization), 10 mmHg with no change after closure of 4 major VV collaterals
  • After 1 year: Clinical improvement with better exercise tolerance
    • O2 saturation (in clinic), 8890%; patient walked 85% of the total predicted distance compared with 76% and 50% on lowest O2 saturation of 74% and initial test, respectively
  • No safety outcomes were reported
Agnoletti et al (2017)3
  • 8 adult patients who underwent Fontan surgery (3 females; 5 males)
  • Main inclusion criterion: PVR ≥2 WU∙m2
  • Age (years): 25.5 (18; 31.7)
  • Weight (kg): 64 
    (51; 77)
  • BSA, m2: 1.75 (1.50; 1.89)
  • Type of ventricle (L, R): 5L, 3NA
  • Age at TCPC (years): 8 (4.7; 13)
  • Time interval since TCPC (y): 13
    (11.5; 16.5)
  • O2 saturation (%): 96 (93.5; 97)
  • OPSUMIT OD for 6 months
  • Improvement in NYHA class distribution with no patients in NYHA class III after treatment
  • Decrease of PVR (P=0.01):
    • Pre-treatment: 2.8 (2-4.7) WU∙m2
    • Post-treatment: 2.1 (1.8-2.8) WU∙m2
  • Significant increase in both pulmonary and systemic outputs:
    • Qpi, L/min/m2 from 1.9 (1.62.4) to 2.6 (1.8-3.7) (P=0.002)
    • Qsi or Cardiac index, L/min/m2 from 2.1 (2-2.3) to 2.8 (2.34.7) (P=0.03)
  • mPAP, wedge pressure,
  • ratio Qpi/Qsi, and SVR remained unchanged
  • No significant improvement in anaerobic threshold or O2 consumption evaluated by CPET
  • Overall, no significant
  • differences were detected in systolic and diastolic blood pressure and in O2 saturation
  • Hepatic and renal function remained unaffected
  • Hepatotoxicity and anemia were not reported
Demetriades et al (2017)4
  • 50-year-old Caucasian female with tricuspid atresia and transposition of the great arteries with a history of total cavopulmonary anastomosis Fontan circulation
  • Previously, the patient received bosentan treatment
  • OPSUMIT once daily for 5 months
  • Increase in incremental shuttle walking test distance from 160 m (prior to bosentan treatment) to
    200 m (post-treatment with OPSUMIT)
  • Symptomatic improvement was also reported
  • No adverse events were reported
Abbreviations: BSA, body surface area; CPET, cardiopulmonary exercise testing; L, left; m, minutes; mPAP, mean pulmonary arterial pressure; NYHA, New York Heart Association; O2, oxygen; PAP, pulmonary arterial hypertension; PH, pulmonary hypertension; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; Qpi, pulmonary output; Qsi, systemic output; R, right; SVR, systemic vascular resistance; TCPC, total cavopulmonary connection; TPG, transpulmonary gradient; VV, veno-venous; WU, Woods units; y, years.

Literature Search

A literature search of MEDLINE®, EMBASE®, BIOSIS Previews®, DERWENT® (and/or other resources, including internal/external databases) was conducted on 13 January 2025.



1 Clift P, Berger F, Sondergaard L, et al. Efficacy and safety of macitentan in Fontan-palliated patients: 52-week randomized, placebo-controlled RUBATO Phase 3 trial and open-label extension. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2024.  
2 Deniwar A, Hernandez J, Vettukattil J. Successful interventions for a nontransplantable fontan patient with cirrhosis, pulmonary hypertension, and severe desaturations [abstract]. Pediatr Cardiol. 2022;43(8):1950-1951.  
3 Agnoletti G, Gala S, Ferroni F, et al. Endothelin inhibitors lower pulmonary vascular resistance and improve functional capacity in patients with Fontan circulation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2017;153(6):1468-1475.  
4 Demetriades P, Aziz A, Condliffe R, et al. The use of macitentan in fontan circulation: a case report. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2017;17(1):131.  
5 Clift P, Berger F, Sondergaard L, et al. Supplement to: Efficacy and safety of macitentan in Fontan-palliated patients: 52-week randomized, placebo-controlled RUBATO Phase 3 trial and open-label extension. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2024.