J&J Medical Connect

Immunology Population Analyzer Tool for Health Systems (IPATH)

Immunology Population Analyzer Tool for Health Systems (IPATH) is a Symantec Code Signing Certificate software that can be used to identify gaps in care between recognized best practices and practice patterns in Crohn’s Disease, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis populations. The tool is designed to conduct retrospective analyses of claims (medical and pharmacy) and/or electronic health record (EHR) data. The intended use is to provide population health decision makers with insights to inform population health analysis about their patient populations diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis in order to identify potential population-level gaps in care for further assessment. Patient-level data is provided solely to facilitate deeper analysis of the population trends at the patient and physician levels. The data is not appropriate to use to share with physicians or patients for any purposes.

Tool access form

Thank you for choosing this program. Information you provide may be shared by Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC, with affiliates and third parties involved for the fulfillment of requests. Please be advised that the information you provide in the below form will be used to assist you in the set up and loading of data sets to run this program and a Janssen Scientific Affairs Value & Evidence Scientific Engagement Associate will be contacting you in the near future. Any information you provide will be governed by our Privacy Policy. By completing this form and clicking the below "Confirm" button, you have read, understand, and agree to these conditions.

Terms and conditions

Request for Immunology Population Analyzer Tool for Health Systems (IPATH)

I would like a copy of the Immunology Population Analyzer Tool for Health Systems (IPATH) software and I agree to use the software under the following conditions.

1. The intended use of IPATH is to provide population health decision makers insights to inform population health analysis about their patient populations diagnosed with IBD to identify potential population level gaps in care for further assessment. Patient-level data is solely provided to facilitate deeper analysis of the population trends at the patient- and physician-levels.

2. I can demonstrate or present the Immunology Population Analyzer Tool for Health Systems (IPATH) within my organization or to third parties, but the actual software, or copies thereof, shall not be distributed to anyone outside of my organization.

3. I can distribute the Immunology Population Analyzer Tool for Health Systems (IPATH) software to others in my organization provided they agree to the terms and conditions here, and I shall be responsible for ensuring such adherence.

4. The Immunology Population Analyzer Tool for Health Systems (IPATH) is an electronic software tool that is designed to import and analyze retrospective pharmacy claims data to assist in assessing drug utilization. I recognize that no claims or assumptions are made regarding indicated uses, efficacy or safety of these products.