2025 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium | Jan 23-25 | San Francisco, CA
This section includes selected Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine abstracts, posters, or oral presentations, which have been accepted for congress presentations in the last 2 years or less (as determined by any congress restrictions on length of time materials can be posted). Information about pipeline products or investigational uses of products does not imply FDA approval for these products or uses, nor does it establish the safety or efficacy of these products or uses. Johnson & Johnson does not recommend or suggest use of its medicines in a manner inconsistent with FDA-approved labeling. The content contained in this section is subject to congress copyright permissions.
Kanwal Raghav, Eric Van Cutsem, Dirk Arnold, Paul E Oberstein, Myung Ah Lee, Marcia Cruz-Correa, Eric Xueyu Chen, Sae-Won Han, Rozita Abdul Malik, Cathy Eng, Victor Moreno, Sanjib Chowdhury, Ryota Iwasawa, Robert Schnepp, Rianka Bhattacharya, Patricia Lorenzini, Mahadi Baig, Filippo Pietrantonio, J Randolph Hecht
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