This information is intended for US healthcare professionals to access current scientific information about J&J Innovative Medicine products. It is prepared by Medical Information and is not intended for promotional purposes, nor to provide medical advice.
Last updated : 05/16/2024
Study |
Agent Used |
Type of Study |
Results |
Andexanet alfa |
Humans |
Andexanet alfa |
Humans |
Andexanet alfa |
Humans |
Lu et al (2013)4 |
Andexanet alfa |
Animals |
In vitro |
He et al (2013)5 |
Fibrinogen concentrate |
In vitro |
Factor XIII concentrate |
Zhou et al (2013)6 |
Murine FFP |
Animals (mice) |
Andexanet alfa |
Humans |
aNot all studies from this table are summarized in the response. Kindly refer to the hyperlinked reference for the full publication.
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1. Rayatdoost F, Deventer K, Rossaint R, et al. Comparative analysis of andexanet alfa and prothrombin complex concentrate in reversing anticoagulation by rivaroxaban ex vivo. Br J Anaesth. 2024;132(2):251-259.
2. Siegal DM, Curnutte JT, Connolly SJ, et al. Andexanet alfa for the reversal of factor Xa inhibitor activity. N Engl J Med. 2015;373(25):2413-2424.
3. Crowther M, Mathur V, Kitt M, et al. A phase 2 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial demonstrating reversal of rivaroxaban-induced anticoagulation in healthy subjects by andexanet alfa (PRT064445), an antidote for FXa inhibitors. Poster presented at: The 55th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition; December 7-10, 2013; New Orleans, LA.
4. Lu G, Deguzman FR, Hollenbach SJ, et al. A specific antidote for reversal of anticoagulation by direct and indirect inhibitors of coagulation factor Xa. Nat Med. 2013;19(4):446-451.
5. He S, Johnsson H, Zabczyk M, et al. A fibrinogen concentrate Haemocomplettan (Riastap) or a Factor XIII concentrate Fibrogammin combined with a mini dose of tranexamic acid can reverse the fibrin instability to fibrinolysis induced by thrombin- or FXa-inhibitor. Br J Haematol. 2013;160(6):806-816.
6. Zhou W, Zorn M, Nawroth P, et al. Hemostatic therapy in experimental intracerebral hemorrhage associated with rivaroxaban. Stroke. 2013;44(3):771-778.
7. Milling TJ Jr, Middeldorp S, Xu L, et al. Final Study Report of andexanet alfa for major bleeding with factor Xa inhibitors. Circulation. 2023;147(13):1026-1038