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Culturally Conscious Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Toolkit

Patient Support Tips

Last updated : 10/28/2024

Content informed and developed with input from people living with IBD and an expert steering committee

Tips to support people living with IBD in accessing and optimizing care:

Utilize patient advocates for people living with IBD.

Provide referrals to patient support groups, including those serving Black, Indigenous, people of color, and/or Hispanic patient populations.

Offer decision support tools to assist with patient decision-making.

Cultural dietary habits can significantly impact the management of IBD for some patients. Foods that trigger symptoms or exacerbate inflammation may vary patient-to-patient and across cultures. Be attentive to the patient’s dietary preferences and discuss how to adapt their diet to help manage symptoms while considering their cultural and religious practices.

“When you’re first diagnosed, it’s a whirlwind of information. You’re trying to look at research, knowing what the best course of action is. … But if you had someone that was maybe a patient, or an advocate, or an IBD psychologist going through the motions with you … it may help prevent so much more anxiety.”
– Self-identifying White female living with Ulcerative Colitis

“If you’re a GI specialist, then you should have two, three organizations under your belt that you can give to a new patient or someone that’s struggling.”
– Self-identifying Black male living with Crohn’s Disease

Related Patient Resources

Find a Support Group

The Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation provides information on finding a support group for individuals with IBD. This webpage emphasizes the importance of connecting with others who share similar experiences and offers a search tool to locate local support groups.

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